The most ADVANCED secured party creditor process in existence
Formerly known as our “Advanced Secured Party Creditor Process” or “Advanced SPC Process.” Far more advanced than just any secured party creditor process. We go a number of steps further with the Secured Private Title Bond Process®. The entire process is divided into two (2) stages.
First stage:
We guide you along and instruct you on obtaining the specific (very specific) documentation and information needed to complete this far more advanced secured party creditor process.
Once you have obtained all necessary documentation and information needed, we then proceed to prepare your papers you’ve supplied us in preparation for establishing your initial, fundamental preliminary Process – and we are very professional in our work involving such.
When completed we then mail you your newly, professionally prepared documents along with 20 or more pages of instructions to guide you in processing them.
The 20 or more pages of instructions are very easy to understand and the task required of you regarding processing your completed documents is fairly simple and can be completed in as short as a few hours or less.
You then notify us upon completion of your required task. We then proceed to stage 2.
Second stage:
Upon completion we then also provide you with 32 or more final pages of instructions including how, when and where to mail off your documents to for the final setting up of the Account and related advanced “chargeback” process of your birth certificate to your existing UCC Contract Trust Account to thus “charge up” your UCC Contract Trust Account, followed then with a final preparation to prepare and establish conditions for your new additional Private Strawman Bond Account for future discharges, chargebacks, etc.
The instructions involve more of a final task on your part than with the 1st stage, yet are still very easy to comprehend, easy to follow, and you can complete your final task – mostly involving mailing out your completed set of final documents – all in less than one day. As a matter of fact, you can finalize everything to completion within a matter of hours. stage, but you can rely on our advanced professionalism and technical know-how to handle all aspects related to the way to move you forward to the completion of this advanced process.
Once all notice of lien filings are in place, and you can say that you have “captured your strawman,” and all related property and titles, next follows the indemnity, strawman bond title, strawman bond account, and finalization of your UCC Bond Secured Private Title Bond Process®. Using the same data list of information that you have already provided us we then proceed to create, modify and prepare your next and final process, as well as assist you with the filing procedure and other steps involved. Stage 2 is far more complicated and involves much more technical procedure than Stage 1.
You will then be complete, having established yourself as a far more versatile and powerful Secured Party Creditor via the most advanced Secured Party Creditor Process in existence today. This process allows you to take things much further than just any basic Secured Party Creditor Process out there (of which are not known to be effective). Our Original Professional Secured Party Process (No longer available) enabled you to do basic chargebacks, discharges, return(ed) for discharge and Conditional Acceptance For Value discharge processes.
However, with the Redemption Service UCC Bond Secured Private Title Bond Process® you can do all of these and much more. With the Secured Private Title Bond Process® you can also do processes involving International Promissory Notes, Private Bonds, Off-Sets, and more. The Redemption Service Secured Private Title Bond Process® is far more advanced and much more powerful of a secured party creditor process. We are proud to say that it is the #1 Secured Party Creditor process in America today! But then, we are the Redemption Service!
Note: Sorry, but this specific Process (Redemption Service Secured Private Title Bond Process is NOT available on our “Matrix” Library Toolkits Discs. at this time.